''Mon choix!!'' François Pérusse
''Vous êtes un amour!'' Ginette Reno
Our guarantee
Welcome to the website of the Accord Parfait piano tuning service, synonymous with quality.
The maintenance of an instrument such as the piano is based on two principles: its maintenance in an appropriate place as well as regular tuning in order to obtain satisfaction during use. Thus you will keep the instrument in a condition suitable for ensuring its longevity.
Not all pianos react in the same way depending on their manufacturing method and their current condition. Thanks to our unique expertise, your instrument will never sound so good, guaranteed!

Our technology
The Accord Parfait tuning service offers a solution to suit your budget and your requirements. For unparalleled service we use the Verituner system, the first to offer tuning that meets the highest standards of the Piano Technician Guild.
The Verituner system listens with the help of a computer, up to eight harmonics in real time and this for each of the notes and thus, calculates the best solution to bring your instrument to its full resonance potential.
With an unequaled precision of a thousandth of a semitone, no tuning system has ever been so far in perfection with the advantage of never being tired or disturbed by ambient noise or difficult acoustics a large room. The human ear is put to contribution during the realization of the unison as well as during the final evaluation of the tuning. Technology and hearing have never gone so well together!

Monday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.